rachelstander: the G2 [52:52]
rachelstander: freckles [51:52]
rachelstander: consumption complete [48:52]
rachelstander: Ouaga [46:52]
rachelstander: simplicity [34:52]
rachelstander: (not) flat [32:52]
rachelstander: stand at attention [25:52]
rachelstander: the squeeze [22:52]
rachelstander: helix [21:52]
rachelstander: cubism [15:52]
rachelstander: blue curlicue
rachelstander: under a microscope
rachelstander: cleaning up by straightening out [364:365]
rachelstander: black and light [362:365]
rachelstander: gilded by light [353:365]
rachelstander: on the roll [349:365]
rachelstander: the upside of cold [346:365]
rachelstander: green hydration [341:365]
rachelstander: the texture of flight [340:365]
rachelstander: good luck ain't always good lookin' [337:365]
rachelstander: light sweep [334:365]
rachelstander: almost an eclipse [333:365]
rachelstander: outtake a
rachelstander: dancer in the dark [332:365]
rachelstander: outtake b
rachelstander: two-tone tri-fold [328:365]
rachelstander: irony of dust collection [320:365]
rachelstander: starburst [313:365]
rachelstander: color ribbons [308:365]