rscholle: The making of...
rscholle: On my left you see the pride of our zoos : Humans. As one of the first zoos we have managed to breed offspring...
rscholle: Rennende Hartmann-Bergzebras
rscholle: Mit Freude ins kühle Nass
rscholle: Berberlöwin Binta
rscholle: hello, would like to take a picture of me ?
rscholle: yin and yang and the robbe
rscholle: Prairie dog
rscholle: Prairie dog
rscholle: Waschbären
rscholle: Pelican
rscholle: Pelican
rscholle: Behind glass/ Hinter Panzerglas
rscholle: cormorant
rscholle: cormorant
rscholle: Two pieces of ...
rscholle: delightful wet
rscholle: Someone has to watch out
rscholle: Meerkat- note the foot :)
rscholle: Flying sealion