rromer: Catedral y Alcazar de Toledo
rromer: Vista de Toledo
rromer: Catedral de Toledo
rromer: Vista de Toledo
rromer: Camino al castillo
rromer: Árbol derribado sobre el Tajo
rromer: El gorrión mirón · Voyeur sparrow
rromer: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
rromer: Gregorio Marañón 1887-1960
rromer: cadenas bn · chains bw
rromer: enreja2
rromer: without lightnings
rromer: Nubes time-lapse
rromer: El Greco (ninja version)
rromer: Lux El Greco - Hospital Tavera
rromer: Ladybug
rromer: calle Trinidad
rromer: chapel
rromer: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
rromer: The Pillars of the Earth
rromer: singular fence
rromer: Hierro forjado
rromer: 18:35h Last Stop
rromer: light after the storm
rromer: Water wheel and trees
rromer: serenity
rromer: Kafka on the shore
rromer: capilla de San Blas (al fondo)
rromer: guardians of the temple
rromer: like a strange dream ...