Rich Renomeron:
C is Not Quite for Cookie
Rich Renomeron:
Obligatory Dog Portrait
Rich Renomeron:
Errand 1: Preschool Dropoff
Rich Renomeron:
Boxcars in the Rain, Plate 1
Rich Renomeron:
Loves His Mommy, Grainy B&W Edition
Rich Renomeron:
Three Pretzel's Worth of Dough
Rich Renomeron:
Rich Renomeron:
Finished and Cooling
Rich Renomeron:
Topher in the Morning
Rich Renomeron:
Traffic Signal in Profile, Plate 1
Rich Renomeron:
Errand 2: Grocery Store
Rich Renomeron:
On the Case
Rich Renomeron:
Sunshine With an Inner Harbor View
Rich Renomeron:
They Won't Stop Me From Pointing the Way
Rich Renomeron:
Going Up
Rich Renomeron:
Sigma 30mm f/1.4 (Old) Focus Accuracy Test, Rebel SL 1, Plate 1
Rich Renomeron:
Sigma 30mm f/1.4 (Old) Focus Accuracy Test, Rebel SL 1, Plate 2
Rich Renomeron:
Spiky in the Rain
Rich Renomeron:
Errand 3: Barber Shop
Rich Renomeron:
Ready to Dig
Rich Renomeron:
Rich Renomeron:
Getting Lower
Rich Renomeron:
Johns and Deere
Rich Renomeron:
The Button Can See Us
Rich Renomeron:
Underneath the Puffin
Rich Renomeron:
She Said the Prettiest Place on Earth Was Baltimore at Night
Rich Renomeron:
Cloudy With Full Moon
Rich Renomeron:
Rainy Saturday Afternoon
Rich Renomeron:
Rich Renomeron:
A Little Wet, Plate 1