rreed3: DSC00349
rreed3: DSC00350
rreed3: Me stretching out the 'finger'
rreed3: Tail on the beach
rreed3: KONE banners on Hampton Beach
rreed3: Larry W.
rreed3: DSC00355
rreed3: Flying with my friends (too windy)
rreed3: Irish Dragon Kite
rreed3: Larry M flying his Irish Dragon
rreed3: Larry W with an Octopus
rreed3: Gail helping with the 'finger'
rreed3: DSC00361
rreed3: UP at the Sutton
rreed3: Wind tossed finger
rreed3: Trying to straighten thos thing out
rreed3: Ralph and Larry
rreed3: Larry checking out the finger - - - -
rreed3: Green and White spinner
rreed3: spinner in the wind
rreed3: Sharing our toys
rreed3: DSC00370
rreed3: Only decent picture of the finger setup today
rreed3: DSC00372
rreed3: Group effort to fly the Octo
rreed3: DSC00374
rreed3: Jo_anne's B&W Kite that broke free and went out to sea
rreed3: Went swimming with the fishes
rreed3: B&W Spinner, She still has this
rreed3: DSC00378