Philip Watson: imaginative demons
Philip Watson: working on high
Philip Watson: selection of heads, Lincoln Cathedral
Philip Watson: Lincoln Cathedral carving
Philip Watson: asymmetric vaulting, the Choir, Lincoln Cathedral
Philip Watson: Chapter House vaulting, Lincoln Cathedral
Philip Watson: pinnacle through paned window, Lincoln Cathedral
Philip Watson: double-decker tomb
Philip Watson: Our Lady of Lincoln by Aidan Hart
Philip Watson: vacant-eyed angel
Philip Watson: stained glass, projected on pillars
Philip Watson: Lincoln Cathedral from the south east
Philip Watson: rose window
Philip Watson: rose window detail
Philip Watson: beasties climbing pillar
Philip Watson: Lincoln lectern base
Philip Watson: Lincoln lectern eagle
Philip Watson: Lincoln lectern ... duck?
Philip Watson: CHOIR books
Philip Watson: Lincoln Cathedral quire screen
Philip Watson: Lincoln Cathedral, high altar from the quire
Philip Watson: stonework and reinforcing wood
Philip Watson: Bishop Edward King
Philip Watson: Lincoln Cathedral, doorway to the roof walk
Philip Watson: Lincoln Cathedral, the Judgement Porch (detail)