remo@b'lore: Golconda Fort, Hyderabad, India
remo@b'lore: The Main Gate of Golconda Fort
remo@b'lore: Inside view of the main gate at Golconda Fort
remo@b'lore: One of the passages at Golconda Fort
remo@b'lore: One of the passages in Golconda Fort
remo@b'lore: The ammunition storage
remo@b'lore: A tank pointed at the main gate of Golconda Fort
remo@b'lore: Another view of the Fort
remo@b'lore: A filled up tunnel at Golconda Fort
remo@b'lore: A closer up of the minaret at Golconda Fort
remo@b'lore: One of the minarets of the mosque at Golconda Fort
remo@b'lore: A more close view of the minaret at Golconda Fort