Rui Pereira: Traces of Gravity
Rui Pereira: Chair for the Uncertainty
Rui Pereira: Este é o Tempo...
Rui Pereira: Standing Clouds
Rui Pereira: The edge of darkness
Rui Pereira: Arcos de memórias
Rui Pereira: Feelings of a wall
Rui Pereira: As curvas do tempo
Rui Pereira: Several days of following
Rui Pereira: The pine trees moan when the wind passes | Os pinheiros gemem quando passa o vento
Rui Pereira: Time Flows like air through a feather
Rui Pereira: Door for uncertainty
Rui Pereira: Chegaram as Máquinas...
Rui Pereira: Faded memory in time
Rui Pereira: Murmuration
Rui Pereira: Itinerant Doubts
Rui Pereira: Endemic Dreams
Rui Pereira: Time fades away
Rui Pereira: At dawn it's all clear
Rui Pereira: From one soul to another
Rui Pereira: Hope, keeps all the lights on
Rui Pereira: We are star dust...
Rui Pereira: The awareness arises and the fear is diluted
Rui Pereira: Endemic Dreams