RonParsonsflowershots: Scaphyglottis acostae - Neal Winslow
RonParsonsflowershots: Scaphyglottis acostae - Neal Winslow
RonParsonsflowershots: Scaphyglottis acostae - Andy's Orchids
RonParsonsflowershots: Scaphyglottis acostae - Andy's Orchids
RonParsonsflowershots: Scaphyglottis condorensis - Hanging Gardens
RonParsonsflowershots: Scaphyglottis condorensis - Hanging Gardens
RonParsonsflowershots: Scaphyglottis condorensis - Hanging Gardens
RonParsonsflowershots: Scaphyglottis confusa? - Hanging Gardens
RonParsonsflowershots: Scaphyglottis fasciculata 'Beepaw' - Dana/COS
RonParsonsflowershots: Scaphyglottis graminifolia - Orchids for the People
RonParsonsflowershots: Scaphyglottis graminifolia - Orchids for the People
RonParsonsflowershots: Scaphyglottis violacea - Jeff Tyler/In Situ Orchids
RonParsonsflowershots: Scaphyglottis violacea - Jeff Tyler/In Situ Orchids