rpb1001: Village riding etiquette
rpb1001: The road head
rpb1001: The future of Upper Mustang?
rpb1001: Charts at the health post in Lo Manthang
rpb1001: Goats being herded towards the Thorung La (5,443 m)
rpb1001: Goats returning to the village after a day of grazing
rpb1001: Horses trampling harvested wheat
rpb1001: Chinese motorcycling entering from Tibet
rpb1001: Shopkeeper in Nyphu
rpb1001: Village of caves
rpb1001: Nyphu Gomba
rpb1001: Frescos awaiting repair in the central Monastery in Lo Manthang
rpb1001: Greeting the King of Mustang
rpb1001: The King of Mustang on his morning walk
rpb1001: The walled city of Lo Manthang at dusk
rpb1001: Tibetan salt
rpb1001: Tasarang Monastery with the Himalaya behind
rpb1001: Desicated snow leopard hanging in Tsarang Monastery
rpb1001: Monks in Tsarang Monastery
rpb1001: Yarchagumba
rpb1001: Drying tomatoes
rpb1001: Ghemi, Mani wall, Japanese agriculture project
rpb1001: Chyungsi Rhangchung
rpb1001: Ghyakar
rpb1001: Mustangi flower garden
rpb1001: Bottles with nowhere to go
rpb1001: A road is coming to Mustang
rpb1001: Mustang Zoo
rpb1001: Kagbeni, Mustang