robinparmar: Giuseppe Torre
robinparmar: "Three Ravens" by Francisco Bernardo, Chris Kiefer, Thor Magnusson
robinparmar: "Very Long Cat" by David Ogborn & Shawn Mativetsky
robinparmar: "Voodoo Suite" by Diego Villaseñor, Alejandro Franco Briones, David Ogborn
robinparmar: "Weathery" by Gerard Roma [0001]
robinparmar: "Livecoding with integrated visualization of code information and sound impression" by Hiroki Matsui
robinparmar: "Bionic March: Live Coding with Voice and Machine Listening" by Alex MacLean
robinparmar: "Terpsicode" by Kate Sicchio, Marissa Forbes, Zeshan Wang
robinparmar: "Terpsicode Dance Tool" by Dr. Kate Sicchio, Zeshan Wang, Marissa Forbes
robinparmar: "Terpsicode Dance Tool" by Dr. Kate Sicchio, Zeshan Wang, Marissa Forbes
robinparmar: "The Mégra System - Small Data Music Compositionand Live Coding Performance" by Niklas Reppel
robinparmar: "Poly-temporality towards an ecology of time-oriented live coding" by Alejandro Franco Briones, David Ogborn, Diego Villaseñor
robinparmar: "Liveness, Code, and DeadCode in Code Jockeying Practice" by Jamie Beverley
robinparmar: "Live Coding Procedural Textures of Implicit Surfaces" by Charles Roberts
robinparmar: "The Live Loom" by Alex McLean
robinparmar: "The Live Loom" by Alex McLean
robinparmar: "Very Long Cat" by David Ogborn & Shawn Mativetsky
robinparmar: "Very Long Cat" by David Ogborn & Shawn Mativetsky
robinparmar: "SonoTexto" by Hernani Villaseñor
robinparmar: "Anatomies of Intelligence" by Joana Chicau + Jonathan Reus
robinparmar: "Memorias" by Jessica Arianne Rodriguez
robinparmar: "Metastasis II" by Feli Cabrera Lopez
robinparmar: "Open, high and low: writing classes in SuperCollider" by Hernani Villaseñor Ramírez
robinparmar: "Multi-lingual audio-visual collaboration" by David Ogborn and team
robinparmar: "Introduction to music-making in Extempore" by Ben Swift
robinparmar: "Perang Gagal: a Series of Inconclusive Battles" by J Simon van der Walt with Prof. Mel Mercier and students of the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance
robinparmar: "eCosystem" by Char Stiles and Danielle Rager
robinparmar: "CTRL+Z" by Zeshan Wang
robinparmar: "Improvisation" by Steven Yi
robinparmar: "INFERNO" by Giovanni Muzio