rozypants: mark and matty
rozypants: no hunting
rozypants: beer on table
rozypants: mills with beer
rozypants: mills flips
rozypants: floating
rozypants: lets float beeyaches
rozypants: convex or concave, i can't remember?
rozypants: ken yields the axe
rozypants: dinner prep
rozypants: lake view left
rozypants: lake view right
rozypants: steak
rozypants: flash off
rozypants: flash on
rozypants: from the lap of sean martell
rozypants: gas and fire
rozypants: gas and fire 2
rozypants: sean with beer
rozypants: boat cruise
rozypants: b studies star patterns
rozypants: matt enjoys a good fire
rozypants: flash on (reverse angle)
rozypants: sean aglow
rozypants: fire long exposure
rozypants: martell falls asleep holding his nuts
rozypants: ken wake 2
rozypants: ken wake 1
rozypants: ken wake 3