rozoneill: A knapweed flower gets its morning shower
rozoneill: Vine maples, busy colorizing the forest
rozoneill: The drip, drip, drip of the rain rolling off of leaves
rozoneill: Three years after the Archie Creek Fire
rozoneill: It was that kind of day
rozoneill: Nature's claw crane machine
rozoneill: Susan Creek-007
rozoneill: Nice sign about an icky plant
rozoneill: The ghosts of forests past on a gray day
rozoneill: Hello poison oak leaf, I'm not touching you
rozoneill: A poison oak leaf joins in on the autumn fun
rozoneill: Blackberry contributes to the autumn vibe
rozoneill: Showing great adaptability, poison oak vines up a tree
rozoneill: It's a bush! A ground cover! No, it's a vine! Yes, it's poison oak!
rozoneill: Three years later...
rozoneill: I was similarly soaked by the rain
rozoneill: Rain collects on leaves great and small
rozoneill: I had ample opportunity to take these kind of photos, thanks to the rain
rozoneill: Not quite mirror images of each other, but close
rozoneill: The surrounding forest lives in a single drop of water
rozoneill: A similar formation resided on my hat brim
rozoneill: Vine maples can always be counted on to brighten up a forest in autumn
rozoneill: Susan Creek-043
rozoneill: Young dogwood trees start to turn reddish-pink
rozoneill: Moss creeps ever so slowly across a dead tree
rozoneill: A caterpillar tent, long since abandoned by its denizens
rozoneill: Susan Creek flows through the burned forest
rozoneill: Appropriately enough, a fireweed turns fiery red
rozoneill: A blackberry vine makes a humble contribution to the autumn gods
rozoneill: So many drops of water on so many leaves and so many photos thereof