rozoneill: And so it begins...
rozoneill: Calypso orchids were dancing across the forest floor
rozoneill: The rolled up interior of a skunk cabbage
rozoneill: A fern frond on the unique side
rozoneill: Columbia windflower was ever present along the trail
rozoneill: Western starflower, in all its natural elegance
rozoneill: Low-growing Yellowleaf iris thrived in the grassier parts of the path
rozoneill: Ground-hugging yellowleaf iris
rozoneill: Wild strawberry gets the berry making started
rozoneill: Most of this section of the North Umpqua Trail is heavily forested
rozoneill: Tall trees populate a slope above the trail
rozoneill: Vanilla leaf waves its distinctive feathery pumes
rozoneill: The crowd went wild, waving their pom-poms in a show of support
rozoneill: A mushroom forces its way into our world
rozoneill: A small seasonal creek approaches the trail
rozoneill: False Solomon's seal contributes to the floral offerings of this hike
rozoneill: A small creek runs over the trail
rozoneill: Nature's attempt at a Zen garden
rozoneill: The canopy was bright with vine maple leaves
rozoneill: Star-flowered Solomon's seal
rozoneill: Woodland phox, close up
rozoneill: Paintbrush upheld the orange end of the color spectrum
rozoneill: An arnica of some sort, a little rough around the edges
rozoneill: Missy photographs a flower while Flynn could care less
rozoneill: Columbia windflower bloomed by the thousands
rozoneill: The North Umpqua Trail heads towards Medicine Creek
rozoneill: The fuzzy-headed elegant cat's ear flower
rozoneill: A trio of woodland phox
rozoneill: Rocks and trees abounded on this hike
rozoneill: Trees stand on top of a rocky head