rozoneill: The wetland at Jacksonville Reservoir was our starting point
rozoneill: Ducks make themselves at home in the reservoir
rozoneill: Bridge crossing over Jackson Creek, designed to look like a railway trestle
rozoneill: We stopped to check out the railway trestle that goes only halfway across the gorge
rozoneill: Chuck leads the way
rozoneill: Partially shaded trail on a beautiful springlike day
rozoneill: Jackson Creek was carrying a bit more water than on my last visit two weeks prior
rozoneill: Jackson Creek moves right along
rozoneill: A mossy and brushy piece of the Norling Trail
rozoneill: A moment of reflection on Jackson Creek
rozoneill: Moss blanketed tree trunks and limbs
rozoneill: A tangled mess of trees and branches
rozoneill: Moss claims a maple leaf as its own
rozoneill: The hike gave plenty of quality forest time today
rozoneill: Trail through the moss, ferns, and brush
rozoneill: Still life with moss and tree
rozoneill: A boardwalk narrowly avoided a smiting
rozoneill: A narrow path on which to hike on
rozoneill: Forest snapshot
rozoneill: Hikers pause for a breather on a steady uphill part of our route
rozoneill: A regathering at Norling Mine
rozoneill: We continue on the Atsahu Trail
rozoneill: A forest of young trees populated the slopes of the park
rozoneill: A veritable wall of trees
rozoneill: A forest opening provided a view of a neighboring ridge
rozoneill: Umbels of white manzanita flowers dangle in the sunlight
rozoneill: Manzanita blooms of the pink kind
rozoneill: Manzanita blooming on a fine spring day, even though it's technically still winter
rozoneill: My lunchtime view
rozoneill: Oaks toothwort made an appearance here and there