Australian Rozie: Dave waits for the race to start
Australian Rozie: Wating for The Bay Run to start
Australian Rozie: Dave in the crowd
Australian Rozie: Bay Run front runners
Australian Rozie: Get back!
Australian Rozie: Move back
Australian Rozie: Are you listening to me??
Australian Rozie: They're off
Australian Rozie: There goes Dave
Australian Rozie: Here comes Todd
Australian Rozie: Todd approaches the start line
Australian Rozie: The women stretch
Australian Rozie: Nadia by the water
Australian Rozie: R4YL One of the first guys finishes Bay Run
Australian Rozie: Here comes Dave
Australian Rozie: Dave working it in the Bay Run 09
Australian Rozie: Finish line
Australian Rozie: There goes Ken
Australian Rozie: Dave's breakfast
Australian Rozie: My un IBS friendly breakfast (very yummy)
Australian Rozie: Nadia's breakfast