Australian Rozie: Star Trek vs Hermès
Australian Rozie: Hermès window, Sydney
Australian Rozie: Hermès window, Sydney
Australian Rozie: ANZ glow stick/light sabre thing
Australian Rozie: Back of Demi dancing at Martin place
Australian Rozie: Kid with sequin-licious cap!
Australian Rozie: Martin Place
Australian Rozie: A musical sculpture stage
Australian Rozie: Macquarie Street
Australian Rozie: Walking towards College St stage
Australian Rozie: Dancing lessons in Hyde Park
Australian Rozie: A-trak on screen
Australian Rozie: Festival First Night young party people
Australian Rozie: At the Domain on Festival First Night
Australian Rozie: The Cat Empire do their thing
Australian Rozie: Our special area, next to the special peoples area
Australian Rozie: The Domain crowd
Australian Rozie: Grace Jones at the Domain
Australian Rozie: Me, broken glow stick and Grace Jones in the background