roy.luck: Pregame warmup stretching, Sandlot Bulldogs
roy.luck: Pregame warmups, sprinting
roy.luck: Umpire with opposing managers
roy.luck: Gabriel warming up
roy.luck: Gabriel warming up
roy.luck: Game under way
roy.luck: Gabriel pitching in the first inning, Bulldogs/Piranhas
roy.luck: Bulldogs batting, bottom of 1st vs. Piranhas
roy.luck: Gabriel pitching in the 2nd inning
roy.luck: Bulldogs batting in the 2nd
roy.luck: Bulldogs batting in the 2nd
roy.luck: Bulldogs runner on 1st
roy.luck: Piranhas pickoff throw
roy.luck: Looking for the signs
roy.luck: Branson batting for the Bulldogs
roy.luck: Gabriel pitching in the third
roy.luck: Conference on the mound - Gabriel, coach Rick and catcher Diego
roy.luck: Micah batting for the Bulldogs
roy.luck: Micah leads off from first
roy.luck: Micah leading off
roy.luck: Safe at first on pickoff attempt
roy.luck: Micah slides into first
roy.luck: Piranhas pitcher brings it home
roy.luck: Josh steps into it, batting lefty
roy.luck: Brent digs in, Bulldogs batting in middle innings
roy.luck: Branson awaits a pitch
roy.luck: Micah swinging
roy.luck: Diego batting for the Bulldogs
roy.luck: Micah running the bases
roy.luck: Gabriel batting, Bulldogs/Piranhas