roy.luck: Hell's Canyon, ID/OR
roy.luck: Hell's Canyon, ID/OR
roy.luck: Side canyon, Hell's Canyon Reservoir
roy.luck: Snake River below Hell's Canyon Dam, ID/OR
roy.luck: Stanley Basin ID
roy.luck: Stanley Basin ID
roy.luck: Stanley Basin, ID
roy.luck: Looking towards Great Southern Butte
roy.luck: Cinder cones of Craters of the Moon National Monument, ID
roy.luck: Cinder cones of Craters of the Moon National Monument, ID
roy.luck: Pahoehoe lava flow, Craters of the Moon National Monument ID
roy.luck: Pahoehoe lava flow, Craters of the Moon National Monument, ID
roy.luck: Cinder cone and gnarled tree
roy.luck: Cinder cone and massive lava blocks
roy.luck: Pahoehoe lava, Craters of the Moon National Monument, ID
roy.luck: Horses at pasture, Salmon ID
roy.luck: Cattle at pasture near Salmon ID
roy.luck: Rainbow over the farm near Salmon ID
roy.luck: Abandoned cobalt mine, Salmon National Forest ID
roy.luck: Looking for hawks in Salmon National Forest, ID
roy.luck: Listening for bird calls
roy.luck: Salmon River ID
roy.luck: id014
roy.luck: Rafting the Salmon River ID
roy.luck: Rafting the Salmon River ID
roy.luck: Rafting the Salmon River, ID
roy.luck: Rafting the Salmon River, ID
roy.luck: Rafting the Salmon River, ID
roy.luck: Standing waves on the Salmon River, ID
roy.luck: Salmon River Canyon ID