roy.luck: Park gate, Carlsbad Caverns National Park
roy.luck: Natural entrance, Carlsbad Caverns
roy.luck: Entrance to Carlsbad Cavern
roy.luck: Down into the cave
roy.luck: Descending into Carlsbad Cavern
roy.luck: Calcite column
roy.luck: Geologic drapery
roy.luck: Raising the curtains
roy.luck: Stalacmite detail
roy.luck: Stalacmite detail (zoom)
roy.luck: Calcified column, Carlsbad Caverns
roy.luck: Small stalacmites and algae
roy.luck: Stalacmites and algae (zoom)
roy.luck: The Big Room
roy.luck: Illuminated stalacmite
roy.luck: Stalacmite and stalactites
roy.luck: Calcite formations
roy.luck: Gabriel 800 feet below ground
roy.luck: Grassland, Carlsbad Caverns
roy.luck: White Sands National Monument, NM
roy.luck: Dune vegetation at White Sands
roy.luck: Yucca at White Sands NM
roy.luck: Mom and Gabriel descend a dune face
roy.luck: Grass and wind ripples
roy.luck: Slipface of a dune, White Sands NM
roy.luck: Hardy grasses at White Sands NM
roy.luck: Wintry scene
roy.luck: Dad and Gabriel at White Sands
roy.luck: Dad and Gabriel on top of a dune
roy.luck: Handprint at White Sands