roy.luck: Enchanted Rock State Park entrance
roy.luck: Gabriel climbing Enchanted Rock
roy.luck: Gabriel climbing Enchanted Rock
roy.luck: Gabriel takes a breather on Enchanted Rock
roy.luck: Celestina and the boys
roy.luck: Granite boulders
roy.luck: Granite boulders on the flanks of Enchanted Rock
roy.luck: Granite boulder on Enchanted Rock
roy.luck: Trail to summit of Enchanted Rock
roy.luck: Enchanted Rock, view over Hill Country
roy.luck: Sloping flanks of Enchanted Rock
roy.luck: Alex and Gabriel on Enchanted Rock
roy.luck: Pink granite below overcast sky
roy.luck: Granite boulders
roy.luck: Granite boulders
roy.luck: Celestina and boys
roy.luck: Almost there!
roy.luck: Looking north from Enchanted Rock
roy.luck: Puddles in rock crevices
roy.luck: Cold puddle
roy.luck: Alex and Gabriel splash in cold water
roy.luck: Alex on Enchanted Rock
roy.luck: Alex and Gabriel
roy.luck: Daddy ties Gabriel's shoelaces
roy.luck: Alex surveys the landscape
roy.luck: Mommy will carry Alex on the descent
roy.luck: Alex descending Enchanted Rock in a backpack
roy.luck: Smooth granite on the flanks of Enchanted Rock