roy.luck: That's me with nephew Austin and father-in-law Tom
roy.luck: Celestina and my nephew Austin
roy.luck: In-laws' home
roy.luck: Flowering tree, in-laws' home
roy.luck: In-laws' home
roy.luck: Sunny summer afternoon, in-laws' front yard
roy.luck: Steaks on the grill
roy.luck: Steak cooking on the grill
roy.luck: Shiner and a steak
roy.luck: Gabriel is born
roy.luck: Gabriel in his birthday suit
roy.luck: Gabriel, smile for the camera
roy.luck: Gabriel weighs in
roy.luck: Proud mom with first-born
roy.luck: First feeding for Gabriel
roy.luck: Gabriel is sound asleep
roy.luck: Gabriel sleeping peacefully
roy.luck: Gabriel wrapped up in a blanket
roy.luck: Dad sleeping as well...
roy.luck: Proud dad with first-born son Gabriel
roy.luck: Gabriel looking alert with white hat
roy.luck: Gabriel leaves the hospital
roy.luck: Gabriel looking around
roy.luck: At in-laws' in Wichita Falls
roy.luck: Fountain in Wichita Falls TX
roy.luck: Gabriel takes a bath
roy.luck: Gabriel is a Texas Longhorns fan
roy.luck: Gabriel lounges in his playpen
roy.luck: Grandparents with Gabriel
roy.luck: Grandpa Dennis with Gabriel