roy.luck: Vanishing point, eastern Montana
roy.luck: Parallel railway lines, eastern Montana
roy.luck: Parallel railway lines eastern Montana
roy.luck: Lonely wooden elevator, eastern Montana
roy.luck: Jesi Stazione, Le Marche
roy.luck: Ofori at Fabriano train station
roy.luck: Rail flatcar on a siding
roy.luck: Railcars and BNSF main line, Jolly TX
roy.luck: Rail flatcar and well-polished track
roy.luck: SE-bound BNSF intermodal, Jolly TX
roy.luck: NW-bound BNSF intermodal train
roy.luck: BNSF intermodal train
roy.luck: SE-bound BNSF freight, Jolly TX
roy.luck: SE-bound BNSF freight, Jolly TX
roy.luck: BNSF coal unit train, Texas prairie
roy.luck: SE-bound BNSF intermodal train at Jolly TX
roy.luck: SE-bound BNSF coal unit train
roy.luck: BNSF locomotive #9886
roy.luck: BNSF locomotive
roy.luck: SE-bound BNSF intermodal train, Jolly TX
roy.luck: Sulfur train at Shell Waterton gas plant
roy.luck: Shell Waterton gas plant
roy.luck: Sour gas in the Rockies foothills
roy.luck: Lyondell petrochemical plant at Maasvlakte, Europoort
roy.luck: The #17 tram to The Hague
roy.luck: Tram at Het Spui, Den Haag
roy.luck: Tramline, underneath Het Spui, Den Haag
roy.luck: Local train to Delft, Rijswijk Station
roy.luck: Intercity train, Risjwijk Station
roy.luck: Intercity train, Rijswijk Station