roylevimorris: Downy Woodpecker--Home Cuba NY2
roylevimorris: 20140623-White-headed Woodpecker (5)
roylevimorris: 20140718-American Three-toed Woodpecker (3)
roylevimorris: American Three-toed Woodpecker Strawberry Mountain Wilderness Area (Crop1)
roylevimorris: American Three-toed Woodpecker Strawberry Mountain Wilderness Area (Crop3)
roylevimorris: Ladder-backed Woodpecker--Ash Canyon B&B (3)
roylevimorris: Ladder-backed Woodpecker--Ash Canyon B&B (2)
roylevimorris: White-headed Woodpecker male at Cavity.
roylevimorris: Arizona Woodpecker--Ramsey Canyon (3)
roylevimorris: Arizona Woodpecker--Ramsey Canyon (2)
roylevimorris: Black-Backed Woodpecker (11)
roylevimorris: Williamson's Sapsucker--Lakeview OR (1)
roylevimorris: Black-Backed Woodpecker (12)
roylevimorris: Black-Backed Woodpecker (16)
roylevimorris: Black-Backed Woodpecker (17)
roylevimorris: White-headed Woodpecker--Malheur National Forest (18)
roylevimorris: White-headed Woodpecker--Malheur National Forest (14)
roylevimorris: Red-breasted X Red-naped Sapsucker--Craters of the Moon NM--4-6-2017 (21)
roylevimorris: Red-breasted X Red-naped Sapsucker--Craters of the Moon NM--4-6-2017 (29)
roylevimorris: Red-breasted X Red-naped Sapsucker--Craters of the Moon NM--4-6-2017 (35)
roylevimorris: Golden-fronted Woodpecker--Palo Duro Canyon SP (1)
roylevimorris: Golden-fronted Woodpecker--Palo Duro Canyon SP (2)
roylevimorris: White-headed Woodpecker - Malheur National Forest
roylevimorris: White-headed Woodpecker - Malheur National Forest
roylevimorris: White-headed Woodpecker - Malheur National Forest
roylevimorris: White-headed Woodpecker - Malheur National Forest
roylevimorris: Red-cockaded Woodpecker