Roy C: Hello French
Roy C: 戴高樂機場
Roy C: 巴黎很大要好好計畫一下
Roy C: 旅館一角
Roy C: 巴黎的老建築都是一整片
Roy C: 拍不清楚的拉法葉百貨公司
Roy C: 竟然遇到巴黎達卡越野賽的起跑活動
Roy C: 所有的車排排站準備出發
Roy C: 維修車也準備出發
Roy C: 拉法葉百貨很大...這只是三棟的其中一棟而已
Roy C: 也有摩托車
Roy C: 維修車也要能越野
Roy C: 唯有金色的地方不會看起來舊舊的
Roy C: 路燈也豪華的過頭
Roy C: 鴿子站的地方很有趣
Roy C: 巴黎歌劇院
Roy C: Every building is BIG in Paris
Roy C: Expensive Kid's clothes
Roy C: You have to pay over 300 euro for them
Roy C: 畫面左邊是羅浮宮,中間是那跟柱子是埃及送的,有三千多年的歷史,畫面又邊走過去就是凱旋門
Roy C: Another luxury street light
Roy C: From Eygpt, it's over three thousand years old
Roy C: 遠方就是凱旋門
Roy C: 香榭大道
Roy C: American Fashion in France
Roy C: It is the biggest SEPHORA I had ever seen, you have to take over 5 mins walk to the end of the store
Roy C: The Flagship store of LV
Roy C: My lovely lion
Roy C: Good night, Arc de Triomphe
Roy C: The most fashion McDonald's in the world