Roy C: The Place Dali lived, however we can't visit here
Roy C: This is the place we stayed in the end of Spain trip
Roy C: Party on the beach
Roy C: What a place
Roy C: Can you understand all of them
Roy C: There is a castle
Roy C: Look closer
Roy C: It's a private property, people live in it
Roy C: There's a trail along the coast
Roy C: These are really luxury houses
Roy C: 旗正飄飄
Roy C: 神奇腳架很好用
Roy C: 言語無法形容這邊有多漂亮
Roy C: 看看花就知道了
Roy C: 蜜蜂採花蜜
Roy C: 這也是松樹的花
Roy C: 拍近一點
Roy C: 海水超清澈
Roy C: 陽光很鮮艷
Roy C: 再看一次海水
Roy C: 該開花了
Roy C: 走累了喝杯可樂
Roy C: 跟腳丫說聲嗨
Roy C: 這裡有著我見過數一數二的漂亮海灣
Roy C: 跟海灘
Roy C: 開始今天的懶人躺沙灘行程
Roy C: 出乎意料的是這裡不是沙灘ㄟ...這種小石頭應該要給百萬年後才會變成沙子
Roy C: 人山人海的沙灘上打撲克牌是以前我們跟Peter最愛的活動
Roy C: 到西班牙一定要喝的Sangria
Roy C: 可愛酒館裡面的可愛酒桶