Royal Ballet and Opera: Fumi Kaneko in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Liam Boswell in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: William Bracewell and Fumi Kaneko in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Calvin Richardson in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Fumi Kaneko in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: William Bracewell and Fumi Kaneko in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Joshua Junker in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Joshua Junker in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Lukas B. Brændsrød and Melissa Hamilton in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Melissa Hamilton and Lukas B. Brændsrød in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Taisuke Nakao in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Amelia Townsend in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: James Large, Leo Dixon and Giacomo Rovero in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Amelia Townsend in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Lukas B. Brændsrød and Melissa Hamilton in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Leo Dixon in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Fumi Kaneko in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Calvin Richardson and Joseph Sissens in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Liam Boswell and Joshua Junker in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Fumi Kaneko and William Bracewell in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Artists of The Royal Ballet in The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Production photo of The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski
Royal Ballet and Opera: Production photo of The Weathering, The Royal Ballet ©2022 ROH. Photograph by Andrej Uspenski