Royal Ballet and Opera: Stephen Wickes, Cesar Corrales, Thomas Whitehead and Marcelino Sambé in rehearsal for Coppélia, The Royal Ballet ©2019 ROH. Photograph by Gavin Smart
Royal Ballet and Opera: Laura Morera and Alexander Campbell in rehearsal for Coppélia, The Royal Ballet ©2019 ROH. Photograph by Gavin Smart
Royal Ballet and Opera: Laura Morera and Bennet Gartside in rehearsal for Coppélia, The Royal Ballet ©2019 ROH. Photograph by Gavin Smart
Royal Ballet and Opera: Matthew Ball and Yasmine Naghdi in rehearsal for Coppélia, The Royal Ballet ©2019 ROH. Photograph by Gavin Smart
Royal Ballet and Opera: Matthew Ball and Yasmine Naghdi in rehearsal for Coppélia, The Royal Ballet ©2019 ROH. Photograph by Gavin Smart
Royal Ballet and Opera: Marcelino Sambé and Anna Rose O'Sullivan in rehearsal for Coppélia, The Royal Ballet ©2019 ROH. Photograph by Gavin Smart
Royal Ballet and Opera: Marcelino Sambé and Philip Mosley in rehearsal for Coppélia, The Royal Ballet ©2019 ROH. Photograph by Gavin Smart
Royal Ballet and Opera: Anna Rose O’Sullivan and Philip Mosley in rehearsal for Coppélia, The Royal Ballet ©2019 ROH. Photograph by Gavin Smart
Royal Ballet and Opera: Gary Avis and Alexander Campbell in rehearsal for Coppélia, The Royal Ballet ©2019 ROH. Photograph by Gavin Smart