Roxiepix: Big Lare
Roxiepix: Soux Chef??
Roxiepix: Mr. & Mrs. America
Roxiepix: Where did his mouth go? Never mind- don't look for it!
Roxiepix: The B'Day Kids
Roxiepix: The B'Day Kids
Roxiepix: IMG_2687
Roxiepix: Cheese!
Roxiepix: Seems to be a theme....
Roxiepix: Cheer up Lou!
Roxiepix: IMG_2692
Roxiepix: Hugs
Roxiepix: More hugs
Roxiepix: and again....more hugs
Roxiepix: Was that good for you?
Roxiepix: Nice hair
Roxiepix: What did you do now?
Roxiepix: Can you stand it??
Roxiepix: Bob in hypnotic trance
Roxiepix: You don't look a day over 39!
Roxiepix: Hoss couldn't be there in person, but sent his regards
Roxiepix: I know I'm not supposed to be in here....
Roxiepix: IMG_2710
Roxiepix: Go ahead- pick him up!
Roxiepix: Whoa big fella!
Roxiepix: Yes, you can keep him!
Roxiepix: IMG_2701