roxeteer: Security guards at Lordi concert
roxeteer: The stage at Lordi concert
roxeteer: Monster with two faces
roxeteer: Finland, the winner of Eurovision 2006
roxeteer: Climbing to see the stage
roxeteer: Monsters at the concert
roxeteer: Beautiful monster
roxeteer: Monstars of rock!
roxeteer: Leather mask monster
roxeteer: Monster boy
roxeteer: Red hair
roxeteer: Fans of all ages
roxeteer: Boy watching Lordi
roxeteer: Behind the fence
roxeteer: Little Lordi
roxeteer: Mom, I'm here!
roxeteer: Devil with a baseball cap
roxeteer: Watching the concert on a van
roxeteer: A few of the 90,000 people at Lordi's concert
roxeteer: At the Lordi concert