Laura Rowan: Sometimes it is good to blend in.....
Laura Rowan: Whooping Cranes at Goose Pond
Laura Rowan: May I have your attention?
Laura Rowan: Because, I'm happy, Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do - Pharrell
Laura Rowan: Twinkle and Shine...
Laura Rowan: Prairie Dog Town
Laura Rowan: It's a beautiful day
Laura Rowan: Advice of a sandhill.... Stand tall, Spread your wings, Make your voice heard, Take time to travel, Wade into Life, Dance with Joy, Fly High!
Laura Rowan: Hey Baby, Going my way?????
Laura Rowan: Ranch life
Laura Rowan: The only snow we saw in Nebraska
Laura Rowan: Between winter and summer, lies a beautiful spring
Laura Rowan: There's no place like home
Laura Rowan: Love in the afternoon
Laura Rowan: Rise and shine
Laura Rowan: Sleeping beauty
Laura Rowan: i feel so close to you
Laura Rowan: Nice consolation prize
Laura Rowan: Color me gone........
Laura Rowan: Graceful as a swan????
Laura Rowan: ignoring the imposter
Laura Rowan: To love beauty is to see light. Victor Hugo
Laura Rowan: Masked bandit
Laura Rowan: Double Vision
Laura Rowan: "When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world." -- John Muir
Laura Rowan: Is this my best side?
Laura Rowan: Crystal Blue Persuasion
Laura Rowan: "If I had to choose, I would rather have birds than airplanes." Charles Lindbergh
Laura Rowan: Chasing Waterfalls
Laura Rowan: Put on a Happy Face