Laura Rowan: Dining Al Fresco
Laura Rowan: Tis the season.... snowy season!!!
Laura Rowan: Be sure to love hoooooo you are...
Laura Rowan: Be sure to love hoooooo you are...
Laura Rowan: Be sure to love hoooooo you are...
Laura Rowan: Love with owl your heart!!
Laura Rowan: Happy Owl-Weeeeen
Laura Rowan: These eyes
Laura Rowan: Sleeping beauty
Laura Rowan: The art of blending in
Laura Rowan: Oakley the Spectacled Owl
Laura Rowan: Barred owl - ready for my close up!
Laura Rowan: Shake it off, Shake it off!!!
Laura Rowan: Sleeping beauties
Laura Rowan: Down on the Farm......
Laura Rowan: A moment like this, Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this
Laura Rowan: Happy Owl-Eeeeeen
Laura Rowan: B-B-B-Baby, you just ain't seen n-n-n-nothin' yet!!
Laura Rowan: My Eyes Adored You....
Laura Rowan: Betty Davis Eyes
Laura Rowan: Be sure to love hoooooo you are...
Laura Rowan: Enter Sandman....
Laura Rowan: Silent hunter
Laura Rowan: Love with owl your heart!!
Laura Rowan: Advise from an owl - Stay focused, be "hoo" you are, trust in a wise friend, glide thru the dark times, life's a hoot!
Laura Rowan: The three stooges
Laura Rowan: What big eyes you have!!
Laura Rowan: i feel so close to you
Laura Rowan: Snowy times two
Laura Rowan: Preen, clean.... that's the scene....