Laura Rowan:
Percy the Puny Poinsettia...
Laura Rowan:
Snowflakes are the fairy dust of winter....
Laura Rowan:
"Snowmen are the closest thing to a perfect man- they're cute, they're well-rounded, and they know what to do with a broom!" ~ Unknown
Laura Rowan:
Holiday Reflections...
Laura Rowan:
Merry Christmas to all My Flickr Friends
Laura Rowan:
Have a squirrely day, my deer!
Laura Rowan:
Snow bunnies
Laura Rowan:
Happy New Year to all my flickr friends
Laura Rowan:
Make each day your masterpiece. -- John Wooden
Laura Rowan:
Up where we belong.....
Laura Rowan:
Appetite for Destruction!
Laura Rowan:
Laura Rowan:
Stealth bomber
Laura Rowan:
Laura Rowan:
I'm ready for my close up!
Laura Rowan:
Just a Closer Walk With Thee
Laura Rowan:
Hanging out with the rif raf
Laura Rowan:
Laura Rowan:
Laura Rowan:
Laura Rowan:
Meet some of the education birds from Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabitation
Laura Rowan:
Snow Birds
Laura Rowan:
Oh, wouldn't the world seem dull and flat with nothing whatever to grumble at? ~W.S. Gilbert
Laura Rowan:
Good Day Sunshine!
Laura Rowan:
Laura Rowan:
A Hazy Shade of Winter
Laura Rowan:
A Fly By
Laura Rowan:
Tenacious Hunters
Laura Rowan:
Spread Your Wings and Fly....
Laura Rowan:
Out from the new day's mist I have come / I hunt / Therefore I am .... Metalica