Laura Rowan: Shooting Star....
Laura Rowan: Wishing a blessed Easter to all my flickr friends
Laura Rowan: The beginning....
Laura Rowan: Garden of weedin' ... soon to be garden of Eden! (We hope!)
Laura Rowan: It's all in the details
Laura Rowan: Spring has sprung!
Laura Rowan: We interrupt this daily broadcast of wildlife photos.....
Laura Rowan: Spring Fever
Laura Rowan: Is it fashionable to wear white before Memorial Day?
Laura Rowan: Beauty Contest
Laura Rowan: Garden Party
Laura Rowan: Super Star
Laura Rowan: Long Tall Sally.....
Laura Rowan: Who names these flowers anyway???
Laura Rowan: If you build it, they will come.....
Laura Rowan: Hot Stuff
Laura Rowan: Tomato Soup Coneflower - Echinacea
Laura Rowan: White Heat
Laura Rowan: Merlot Coneflower - Echinacea
Laura Rowan: Coconut Lime Coneflower - Echinacea
Laura Rowan: It's Butterfly Garden time
Laura Rowan: Cotton Candy Coneflower also called razzmatazz.....
Laura Rowan: So THAT is why the fountain is close to empty when I get home
Laura Rowan: Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift.
Laura Rowan: Love in the afternoon
Laura Rowan: Humdinger of a visitor
Laura Rowan: Celebrate your differences
Laura Rowan: Butterflies are free....
Laura Rowan: After the storm.....
Laura Rowan: Our garden is like a coloring book....blank at the end of winter..... but more filled in and colorful as summer goes on..... (even if we don't always color in the lines)!