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Approaching Rimpton along Mill Street
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Mill Street, Rimpton
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Junction of Middle Street and High Street, Rimpton
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A thatched house in High Street, Rimpton
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High Street, Rimpton
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A grade 1 listed house in High Street, Rimpton
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The Old Rectory, Rimpton
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The Manor House, Rimpton
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The Blessed Virgin Mary, Parish Church, Rimpton
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Church Lane, Rimpton
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A restored gypsy caravan
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Home Farm Lane, Rimpton
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A trio of pink rose blooms
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Fuscia flowerheads
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A dahlia flowerhead about to open
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A ripening apple on the tree
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Bee on a Michaelmass daisy
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Bee on a Michaelmass daisy
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Muffin - a chocolate Persian cat
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Muffin - a chocolate Persian cat