rowl images: Chateuu de Vesancy - the wedding ceremony venue
rowl images: The Order of Service
rowl images: Phil and his Groomsmen - 32/52
rowl images: James and his shoes - playing the ukulele at the wedding
rowl images: Dennis at the wedding venue
rowl images: Frances arrives, with Dad, Mum and sister Emma
rowl images: The bridesmaid make their entrance
rowl images: Frances and proud Dad, Alan make their entrance
rowl images: Steve's reading
rowl images: Alex, the MC for the day
rowl images: A hug after their vows
rowl images: First kiss after their wedding vows
rowl images: 'The Velveteen Rabbit'
rowl images: Drew accompanying 'Ho Hey' at the wedding
rowl images: Matt's reading
rowl images: Confetti covered Phil and Frances
rowl images: Enjoying champagne after the ceremony
rowl images: Drew and Phil on the balcony
rowl images: Frances and Phil on the balcony
rowl images: Phil and Frances
rowl images: Helen, Phil, Frances and Alan
rowl images: Debbie, Phil, Frances and Steve
rowl images: Helen and Alan
rowl images: Alan, Helen, Val and Gary
rowl images: Debbie and Steve with friends
rowl images: Pauline and Helen
rowl images: Emma and her 'Bump'
rowl images: Bridesmaid and parasol
rowl images: Friends of Frances
rowl images: A barn for the wedding breakfast