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The west front of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims
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The west front of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims
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Detail of carving around the right hand door of Reims Cathedral
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Detail of carving on west front of Reims Cathedral
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Restored leaded gargoyle on the west front of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims
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The Smiling Angel of Reims' Cathedral
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Restoring the west front of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims
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Restored details on the west front of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims
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Inside the west front of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims
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View of the Altar from the Nave of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims
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Apse stained glass windows in Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims
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Vaulted ceiling, columns and stained glass windows in Reims Cathedral
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The Nave of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims
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Rose window in the south Transcept, Reims Cathedral
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North Aisle of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims
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Statue of Joan of Arc
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Model of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims
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Tower and pinnacles, Reims Cathedral
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East end of Reims Cathedral
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Exterior view of the Apse of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims
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Palais du Tau - the Archbishops Palace
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The vaulted crypt in the Palais du Tau
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Architectural stonework stored in crypt of Palais du Tau, Reims
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Fireplace in the Salle du Tau - the banqueting hall
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15th century tapestry of the baptism of Clovis, first Christian king
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Decorative floor tiles from Reims Cathedral
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Chalice of the Sacred Kings
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The nave of Saint Ursule
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Coronation cloak of Charles X
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Pauline among the tapestries