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Loading of the first boat of the day
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The map of Skomer at the Landing Place
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Sarah Harris - Assistant Warden
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First view of Puffins, above the Landing Steps
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Puffin with a bill full of sand eels
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Skomer terrain
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Cliff ledges, home to many seabird varieties
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Puffins on the grassy banks above the sea
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Part of a Puffin colony
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A Puffin coming into land
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Great Black-backed Gull
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Another Puffin lands
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Puffin exercising it's wings
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Puffin about to fly off
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Skomer's rocky coastline
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Lesser Black-backed Gull and juvenile
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Lesser Black-backed Gull in flight
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Lesser Black-backed Gull in flight
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Great Black-backed Gull on rocky outcrop
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Mew Stone
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Pauline bird watching
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Matching dressed bird watchers!
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Puffin with it's catch of sand eels
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Puffin with as many sand eels as possible in it's bill
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Puffin with some string in it's bill
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Big Puffin, little wings!
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Puffin partners performing a 'billing display'
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Puffin with a bill full of material to refresh the burrow