rowl images: Making the firebed
rowl images: Adam of Blaze
rowl images: Summer - teamleader at Blaze
rowl images: Summer & Adam
rowl images: Summer & Adam light the firewalk bed
rowl images: Summer lights the firewalk
rowl images: The firewalk bed is well alight
rowl images: Summer encouraging the 'fire gods'
rowl images: Adam tending the fire
rowl images: Summer & Adam tend the fire
rowl images: 'Feel the heat'
rowl images: Summer in her protective mask
rowl images: Adam in his protective mask
rowl images: The fire bed is ready for the 'walkers'
rowl images: 'Gotta get to the end'
rowl images: It's a serious business, this firewalking!
rowl images: Concentrating on the job in hand
rowl images: A firewalker gets encouragement from Summer
rowl images: A firewalker clearly pleased at what she's achieved
rowl images: This firewalker shows how to do it with flare
rowl images: Gently does it!
rowl images: Vicky doing her impression of a penguin on the fire bed