roweenaweb: Noodle and Po
roweenaweb: Noodle and Po
roweenaweb: Noodle - humph - grumpy
roweenaweb: Noodle...humph...grumpy
roweenaweb: Mr Po
roweenaweb: The little black cat of doom ripped it to shreads and ate if for his lunch
roweenaweb: and a mouse sneaks past right under his nose
roweenaweb: too tired to play...
roweenaweb: but it all got a bit much...and in the end...
roweenaweb: My birthday...
roweenaweb: raaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
roweenaweb: doh
roweenaweb: almost...
roweenaweb: Hmmmmmmm...
roweenaweb: Perhaps by eating the glass first
roweenaweb: Noodle wonders (all cross-eyed) how he can get at the water at the bottom of the glass
roweenaweb: Aw look at Little Po...
roweenaweb: Eiiieeee gonna getcha with my soopa-sharp kitty klaws...
roweenaweb: All little and sweet again, look at little Po...
roweenaweb: The kitties have a quiet moment and wonder at the marvels of the universe
roweenaweb: O sweetie dahling, such a fabulous night out
roweenaweb: ...that's what it says on this one rrright here.
roweenaweb: Clearly not enough spending on luxury kitty food and catnip...
roweenaweb: Noodle inspects the bank statements...
roweenaweb: ooooooooooo looooook a leaf
roweenaweb: po po po
roweenaweb: Hi-purrrrrrrrrrrrr
roweenaweb: Noodle in the pretty bowl from Tia Bonnie