Roving Gastronome: Cleopatra presides
Roving Gastronome: Cleopatra's Pleasure Barge 'n' Buffet
Roving Gastronome: Solar Cooking at Burning Man, 2005
Roving Gastronome: Best food at Burning Man, 2005
Roving Gastronome: Tamara and Zora cooking in Gurhan's kitchen
Roving Gastronome: The croquembouche, with human head for scale
Roving Gastronome: Attacking the croquembouche
Roving Gastronome: Lamb Roast III: Peter at the spit
Roving Gastronome: Lamb Roast III: Free Lambistan!
Roving Gastronome: Lamb Roast III: Lamb skull: before
Roving Gastronome: Lamb Roast III: Lamb skull: after
Roving Gastronome: Lamb Roast III: Hacking up the lamb
Roving Gastronome: The first croquembouche
Roving Gastronome: Tamara and Zora in the kitchen
Roving Gastronome: Lamb Roast III: The end of the night
Roving Gastronome: Operation Roving Gastronome at Peter's in Boston
Roving Gastronome: Operation Roving Gastronome at Tal's
Roving Gastronome: Operation Roving Gastronome at Tal's #2
Roving Gastronome: Adrienne and Zora at Pommes Frites
Roving Gastronome: Halloween Ham
Roving Gastronome: Barton and Peter at your service
Roving Gastronome: Astoria Breakfast Bounty