QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: In love with Chinatown
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: Impromptu photo showdown
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: Yet another boring day....
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: Late night delivery
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: Creating something unique
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: Kensington Market by night
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: Maybe just a little one...
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: ...said the spider to the fly
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: A late craving for churros
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: Night shopping Chinatown
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: Saturday at the fruit market
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: Christmas shopping pause
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: Window into a barbershop Saturday
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: Black Friday weekend
QC Doc Instagram: @rovingeye_to: Enough measuring for one day....