Brigitte & Heinz:
001 Anflug auf - flying to Tasmania
Brigitte & Heinz:
102 Hobart's Hafen - harbourfront
Brigitte & Heinz:
128 Tasman Bridge, Hobart
Brigitte & Heinz:
180 unterwegs - on the way to Launceston
Brigitte & Heinz:
201 Kirchen - churches in Launceston
Brigitte & Heinz:
301 Sheffield, town of murals
Brigitte & Heinz:
302 Sheffield, town of murals
Brigitte & Heinz:
303 detail of Sheffield-mural
Brigitte & Heinz:
304 Old time mural in Sheffield
Brigitte & Heinz:
305 Sheffield, town of murals
Brigitte & Heinz:
306 Sheffield, town of murals
Brigitte & Heinz:
307 Sheffield, town of murals
Brigitte & Heinz:
308 Sheffield shops, Tasmania
Brigitte & Heinz:
309 pretty Sheffield house
Brigitte & Heinz:
310 Sheffield, Tasmania
Brigitte & Heinz:
311 Blumen - flowers in Cradle Mnt NP
Brigitte & Heinz:
312 Totholz - dead trees, Cradle Mtn NP
Brigitte & Heinz:
313 Pencil Pine Holz, Cradle Mtn NP
Brigitte & Heinz:
314 Pencil Pine Falls, Cradle Mtn NP
Brigitte & Heinz:
315 schlafender - sleeping Wombat, Cradle Mtn.
Brigitte & Heinz:
316 _ausgestopfte Tiere - stuffed animals; spotted tail Quoll, Museum, Cradle
Brigitte & Heinz:
317 ausgestopfter - stuffed Tasman Devil, Museum, Cradle Mtn
Brigitte & Heinz:
318 Lake Dove, Cradle Mountain NP - See-Umrundung - hike
Brigitte & Heinz:
319 Lake Dove
Brigitte & Heinz:
320 Lake Dove
Brigitte & Heinz:
321 Lake Dove Beach
Brigitte & Heinz:
322 Baum am - tree on Lake Dove
Brigitte & Heinz:
323 Banksia, Cradle Mountain NP
Brigitte & Heinz:
324 Beeren, Cradle Mountain NP
Brigitte & Heinz:
325 Lake Dove