~~Steph~~: Toes on the nose !
~~Steph~~: 30/04/2006 fleurs du flamboyant
~~Steph~~: 30/04/2006
~~Steph~~: Guiana chestnut flower / fleur de cacao sauvage
~~Steph~~: Hibiscus
~~Steph~~: Hibiscus
~~Steph~~: Hibiscus
~~Steph~~: Hibiscus
~~Steph~~: Hibiscus
~~Steph~~: Our third pineapple
~~Steph~~: red ixora
~~Steph~~: closed ixora
~~Steph~~: Lagerstroemia
~~Steph~~: red ixora
~~Steph~~: red ixora
~~Steph~~: Our third pineapple
~~Steph~~: bee on a flower
~~Steph~~: Heliconia
~~Steph~~: Heliconia
~~Steph~~: Our third pineapple
~~Steph~~: bee on a flower
~~Steph~~: flower of the frangipani tree / fleur du frangipanier
~~Steph~~: Heliconia
~~Steph~~: Heliconia
~~Steph~~: flower of the frangipani tree / fleur du frangipanier
~~Steph~~: flower of the frangipani tree / fleur du frangipanier
~~Steph~~: Hibiscus
~~Steph~~: flower of the frangipani tree / fleur du frangipanier
~~Steph~~: Orange lantana
~~Steph~~: Orange lantana