roundtheplace: Dungeness, Kent, England
roundtheplace: Dungeness, Kent, England
roundtheplace: Dungeness, Kent, England
roundtheplace: Dungeness, Kent, Egland
roundtheplace: New years eve harbour rush, Sydney
roundtheplace: Blackheath, NSW, Australia
roundtheplace: Mollymook beach, NSW, Australia
roundtheplace: Rowers, Lane Cove River ,Sydney
roundtheplace: Burns Bay, Sydney
roundtheplace: Dungeness
roundtheplace: The Pacific from a Sydney cliff
roundtheplace: Water barrier, Rodes development, Sydney
roundtheplace: Rhodes development, Sydney
roundtheplace: Botany Bay, Sydney
roundtheplace: Alexandria Canal, Sydney
roundtheplace: Alexandria Canal 2
roundtheplace: Entance to vacant lot, Rosehill, Sydney
roundtheplace: Refrigeration containers, Rosehill, Sydney
roundtheplace: Rosehill, Sydney
roundtheplace: Middle Dural, NSW
roundtheplace: Middle Dural, NSW
roundtheplace: Landfill site #2, Western Sydney
roundtheplace: Landfill site #3, Western Sydney
roundtheplace: Water tank, Schofields, Western Sydney
roundtheplace: Bolte Bridge, Melbourne, behind pile of shingles
roundtheplace: Air Services Australia building, Alexandria Canal, Sydney
roundtheplace: Landfill site #6, Western Sydney
roundtheplace: Landfill site #5, Western Sydney
roundtheplace: Telegraph pole, Kangaroo Valley, NSW
roundtheplace: Rough track, Kangaroo Valley, NSW