roughbarked: Leopard orchid
roughbarked: DSC_1512
roughbarked: blue fingers
roughbarked: pink fingers
roughbarked: DSC_1489
roughbarked: with fallen wattle blossom
roughbarked: feather myrtle
roughbarked: when one can smell the colour
roughbarked: the beginnings of the beard.
roughbarked: more Templetonia aculeata
roughbarked: DSC_1446
roughbarked: DSC_1444
roughbarked: These always belong to
roughbarked: Well, it is just outside my backyard
roughbarked: they look like woolly heads
roughbarked: welcome to my backyard bush land
roughbarked: DSC_1544
roughbarked: DSC_1545
roughbarked: DSC_1551
roughbarked: DSC_1563
roughbarked: DSC_1560
roughbarked: this is simply for the composition
roughbarked: DSC_1570
roughbarked: Flannel Cudweed
roughbarked: Some yellow
roughbarked: pink fingers
roughbarked: Caladenia carnea
roughbarked: Diuris maculata
roughbarked: P9011651