roughbarked: Tiny Star
roughbarked: Golden Sunray
roughbarked: Golden Billy Buttons
roughbarked: Twining glycine
roughbarked: Creamy Candles
roughbarked: Rock Sida
roughbarked: Golden Everlasting
roughbarked: Goodenia hederacea
roughbarked: Twining glycine
roughbarked: Indigofera australis
roughbarked: also known as native leek
roughbarked: Bulbine bulbosa
roughbarked: golden lily
roughbarked: Rock Sida
roughbarked: lichen to a rock garden
roughbarked: rock garden
roughbarked: looking East-ish
roughbarked: Yeah the rocks are Devonian
roughbarked: DSC_4048
roughbarked: I nearly walked on them.
roughbarked: Non-Rabbit
roughbarked: greys'ngreens'n a dash of yellow
roughbarked: Flannel Cudweed
roughbarked: more twining glycine
roughbarked: DSC_4063
roughbarked: Tall Bluebell
roughbarked: Dianella laevis in bud
roughbarked: Tall Bluebell
roughbarked: golden blur of sunrays
roughbarked: Lomandra glauca