rougetete: Only at 10, 2 & 4
rougetete: Front view of the Texas Capitol
rougetete: Grounds of the Texas State Capitol
rougetete: Grounds of the Texas State Capitol
rougetete: Grounds of the Texas State Capitol
rougetete: Front view of the Texas Capitol
rougetete: The Capitol dome's interior
rougetete: These ornate "TEXAS" chandeliers hang in the legislative chambers of the Texas Senate and House of Representatives
rougetete: Texas Senate Chamber
rougetete: Painting in the Texas Senate Chamber
rougetete: Painting in the Texas Senate Chamber
rougetete: Texas sized door hinges
rougetete: Seals of six nations that have governed Texas
rougetete: The Texas House of Representatives Chamber
rougetete: These ornate "TEXAS" chandeliers hang in the legislative chambers of the Texas Senate and House of Representatives
rougetete: Granite monument of the Ten Commandments
rougetete: South side of the Capitol
rougetete: South side of the Capitol
rougetete: Lone Star of Texas
rougetete: South side of the Capitol
rougetete: Goddess of Liberty statue atop the Capitol building
rougetete: Texas State Capitol
rougetete: Darren on the South side of the Capitol
rougetete: Texas State Capitol
rougetete: Wickham Digital Photos
rougetete: Lisa on the Congress Avenue Bridge to watch the Bats
rougetete: Bats Emerge Each Evening in Austin
rougetete: Lisa on the Congress Avenue Bridge to watch the Bats
rougetete: Bats Emerge Each Evening in Austin
rougetete: Bats Emerge Each Evening in Austin