rougetete: Ready for a smoke!
rougetete: Towel Art Collection
rougetete: Drinks after dinner
rougetete: Beautiful sunset
rougetete: Daniel and Darren enjoying after dinner cigars
rougetete: Afternoon views along the Inside Passage
rougetete: Kathy and Nas at dinner on first Formal Night
rougetete: Late afternoon views along the Inside Passage
rougetete: Upper deck view of the M.S. Ryndam
rougetete: Kid's table at dinner
rougetete: Mike & Daniel play a fierce match
rougetete: Gorgeous snow capped peaks along the Inside Passage
rougetete: Class materials...
rougetete: Ping Pong Tourney
rougetete: Quick to volunteer for a "hands on" exercise
rougetete: My "Mixology" class
rougetete: Beautiful snow capped peaks visible along the Inside Passage
rougetete: Lower open deck on M.S. Ryndam
rougetete: Snow still visible in August
rougetete: Glacier fed stream trickles down mountain
rougetete: Diana and Darren on first Formal Night
rougetete: Other boat traffic along the Inside Passage
rougetete: Lower open deck on M.S. Ryndam
rougetete: M.S. Ryndam - Ships Bell
rougetete: Daniel volleys in Ping Pong Tourney
rougetete: Calm waterway along the Inside Passage
rougetete: Beautiful tree-lined coast along the waterway
rougetete: Nas & Kathy at the Nightclub
rougetete: Enjoying my first concoction "South Seas Avation"
rougetete: Gorgeous views along the Inside Passage