rougetete: Drive thru the BIC #1
rougetete: Drive thru the BIC #2
rougetete: Drive thru the BIC #3
rougetete: Hummer Off-Road Course
rougetete: Ramzi Ready to Go
rougetete: Thumbs Up
rougetete: First Drop Off
rougetete: First Trip over Camel Hills
rougetete: The Envoy Rail Test
rougetete: Ramzi - Can he do it?
rougetete: Doing Good So Far
rougetete: Ramzi keeps it on two rails
rougetete: Darren doesn't quite make it
rougetete: Osama - Serious concentration
rougetete: The H2 wants to try the Rails
rougetete: Charlie's the First Hummer Contestant
rougetete: He can't wait for another turn
rougetete: Clasby braves the Rails in the H2
rougetete: No sweat for the Chief Negotiator
rougetete: Osama takes a moment for his fans!
rougetete: Darren thinks he can redeem himself
rougetete: Darren tries to get wheels lined up
rougetete: Off to a good start but finishes with 3 on
rougetete: Naveen's Next Up
rougetete: Can he "Really" do it
rougetete: Look'in Good
rougetete: I'm King of the World!
rougetete: Break Check!
rougetete: Speed Test
rougetete: Surveying the F1 Track